Summer School

Summer School General Information

  • Summer school begins on Monday, June 3rd.
  • Summer school hours are 7:30am-12:30pm Monday-Thursday: June 3-27.
  • There is NO school on Fridays.
  • Breakfast and lunch are provided.
  • Students should bring their own water bottle and any snacks that they may need throughout the day. Vending machines will NOT be available for use during Summer School.
  • If a student arrives to school after 7:30am, they must enter through the cafeteria doors and be checked in by a teacher. They should NOT go to the front office.
  • Students are considered tardy after 7:40am and may only accrue two tardies or they will be dismissed from Summer School.
  • Families will receive the bulk of Summer School communications via Talking Points and School Messenger Email/Phone Messages. Families will receive notices through Talking Points regarding student attendance, behavior, progress, weather holds, etc.
  • Families will receive a Talking Points message by 8:00am each school day to let them know if their student is not present at Summer School.



  • Headphones/airpods are required to complete credit recovery courses.
  • LNHS is not responsible for any personal laptops or personal items that students bring to Summer School.

There are a limited number of LNHS laptops available for summer checkout. If your student has a personal laptop that they can bring, PLEASE have them bring their personal laptop and charger for use.


If your student checks out an LNHS laptop, they will bring it home each night and check it back in at the end of Summer School. Please remember, that families are financially responsible for any new damage that their laptop may incur while it is checked out to the student. If a student loses a school laptop, they will be charged for the full cost of the device.

Students must fully charge their laptops each night AND bring their laptop chargers with them each day.

Cell phones are NOT permitted during Summer School and must be on silent and in a student's backpack or bag.


  • All students MUST start Summer School during the first week (June 3-6).
  • Students are NOT permitted to join Summer School if they did not attend any days during the first week of Summer School (unless parent/guardian has already communicated with and received approval from Assistant Principal Mrs. Adkins).
  • Students may only have ONE unexcused absence. This rule will take effect beginning the second week of Summer School. Families will receive warnings via Talking Points.
  • After the second unexcused absence, the student will be dismissed from Summer School and will need to complete credit recovery during the school year.
  • For summer, the only acceptable absence excuses are a doctor’s note or prior arrangement via email (must be the email listed as the parent email in Skyward) between the parent/guardian and Assistant Principal Mrs. Adkins ([email protected]).
  • Students may only have TWO unexcused tardies.
  • Students are considered tardy if they arrive after 7:40am.
  • If a student is tardy a third time, they will be dismissed from Summer School and will need to complete credit recovery during the school year.
  • Students may not leave Summer School early during the school day. If a parent/guardian must check a student out of Summer School early, the following procedures must be followed:
  • If a student needs to be checked out of school early due to an appointment, the parent/guardian must physically come to the front office and check the student out (EVEN if the student is a self-driver).
  • The adult checking the student out MUST be listed as approved to checkout the student in the student’s Skyward account. The parent/guardian or Skyward approved pick up person must have their photo ID with them for checkout. If the adult is not listed on the Skyward pickup list, or does not have photo ID, the student will not be released from school early. There are no exceptions to this procedure during the summer. This is in place for student safety.
  • If the student is checked out early from Summer School more than two times, without doctor’s notes, they will be dismissed from Summer School and will need to complete credit recovery during the school year.


  • Families must provide their own transportation. Bus transportation is NOT provided for Summer School.
  • There has been a change to where students must enter campus each day: Students must enter at the cafeteria via the carloop. Teachers will be present to help direct students into the cafeteria. Students that drive may park in front of the cafeteria/PAC.
  • Student self-drivers should park in the student/visitor parking areas in front of the cafeteria/PAC.
  • Students will be dismissed from the cafeteria at 12:30pm and should be picked up via the carloop in front of the cafeteria. Walkers and bike riders will also be dismissed from this area.
  • IF a weather hold occurs at the time of Student Dismissal or if it seems that severe weather may arrive near dismissal time, families will be contacted via Talking Points and told to pick up or make arrangements to pick up any students who are typically walkers or biker riders at the end of the day.


  • Course Recovery uses a program called Edgenuity. Edgenuity is an online program that is self-paced. There are multiple certified, LNHS and OCVS teachers available to provide support to students as they work through their courses.
  • If students are caught cheating or attempting to cheat, students will receive a warning and parents will be contacted.
  • If a student is caught cheating a second time, they will be dismissed from Summer School and will need to complete credit recovery during the school year.


  • LNHS Teachers will review the OCPS Code of Conduct and LNHS Expectations on the first day of Summer School and on a daily basis throughout the summer.
  • The OCPS Student Code of Conduct is still in full effect over the summer. Please remember that your student must be in dress code each day. Cell phones, headphones, earbuds, and other electronic devices that are not a student's laptop must be on silent and away for the full duration of Summer School each day.

o   If a student is not adhering to the OCPS Student Code of Conduct during Summer School, they are subject to discipline. You should review the OCPS Student Code of Conduct with your student here:

If a student is warned more than two times to follow LNHS and OCPS expectations and the Code of Student Conduct, they will be dismissed from Summer School and will need to complete credit recovery during the school year.

  • Students must have their LNHS Student ID out and visible at all times while entering and on campus. If a student needs a Student ID, we will get them a new one or a temporary one during the first week of Summer School.
  • Cell phones are NOT permitted during Summer School and must be on silent and in a student's backpack or bag. If a student receives more than two warnings about having a cell phone out, they will be dismissed from Summer School and will need to complete credit recovery during the school year.