Science Club

Nona Science Logo

Science, Scholarship and Service

Who are we? NONA Science is the umbrella of science extracurricular activities at LNHS.

What do we do? We provide opportunities for students in science and service to include the following:

  • Science Olympiad competitions- To compete, students try out for the team; to volunteer to help run events like Egg Drop, contact Mrs. Ledford

  • Science Bowl competitions- To compete, students try out for the team

  • EnergyWhiz competitions- Design and compete in energy efficient events like solar cooking. To compete, students register with their team through Mrs. Ledford; to volunteer to judge events like the Junior Solar Sprint, contact Mrs. Ledford

  • Other competitions, as available

  • Volunteering at elementary school science nights and other science opportunities
    *** In order to compete, you MUST be a club member before the end of September (link application)

How do I get involved? Club meetings are every Monday and Tuesday after school in  room TBD; In order to compete, you MUST be a club member before the end of September.

Who can I contact for more information? Contact TBD for questions on competitions and volunteering or like our Facebook page

Accomplishments for 2015 – 2016

Tentative calendar of events for 2016 – 2017

Nona Science Club Application for 2016 -2017



Vice President: 

V.P. of Communications/Marketing: 
