Lake Nona High School 

Student Government Association


Incoming LNHS Freshmen, the 2024-2025 SGA application window has

closed as of May 17, 2024. We encourage you to get involved in other

electives, clubs, or sports this coming school year and look forward to you

applying the following school year.

The Student Government Association (SGA) is an organization run BY the students FOR the students. SGA serves as the liaison between the student body and the administration. Through the SGA, students may express their opinions and participate in the management of school enterprises. 

The SGA representatives recognize this responsibility and work diligently to represent the student body. The SGA, which meets at least once a week, promotes leadership, initiative, and self-motivation among its members.

Each student class elects a president, vice president, secretary and a treasurer to lead activities pertaining to their class. The class officers coordinate activities with the administrators and sponsors working within their grade levels. 

Elections for all offices, except Freshmen class office, are held in the spring of the year prior to serving in office. Freshmen elections are held at the beginning of the school year. If you are interested in running for office please contact Mr. Adkins.

If you are not running for office and you are just interested in joining SGA then you can inquire by stopping by and speaking to Mr. Adkins in room 518. 

What’s it like in SGA? We organize activities to increase school spirit as well as volunteering in the surrounding community. There are lots of things we do throughout the year. Here are some of the things we do here at Lake Nona.

The beginning of each school year starts with Welcome to the Pride! for incoming Freshmen. Once school starts we get started with Club Rush and then shortly after move on to Spirit Week which ends with a pep rally that gets everyone ready for the first home football game. We keep momentum going as start preparing for Homecoming until it culminates at the big Homecoming Dance where students get to dress up and enjoy music, decorations, and refreshments.  

We continue our year with a PINK OUT theme in October which is our way to bring awareness to breast cancer and donate our time and money to help find a cure.

November brings our annual Thanksgiving food drive for our local community. SGA then focuses on hosting a WInter Break party for our ESE students and sponsoring a spirit week before the break. In February the students all get together to compete for prizes in our annual Talent Show. There is more to come in the spring with a spirit week before the break. Sounds good? SGA is always looking for more ways to help as well as always looking for more enthusiastic members to get involved next year. Go Lions! 

Student Government Association Officers

President - Peter Dang  - [email protected]  Vice President  - Nandana Sojin - [email protected]
Secretary - Anthony Gadah - [email protected] 
Treasurer - Attalai Beard - [email protected]

Advisor - Joel Adkins - [email protected]

Follow us on instagram: @nonasga